
The 16th International Exhibition of heating & Cooling Systems & HVAC

The 16th International Exhibition of heating and Cooling Systems and HVAC with the participation of Iranian and foreign companies from 3 to 6 November 2017 was held at the permanent exhibition of Tehran. Like last years, SuperPex Company unveiled its new products at the exhibition.
New Superpex Techno expansion rings: For the first time superpex Expansion ring were introduced to the Iranian market. The introduction of these rings will be another step in reducing the cost of facilities for building projects.
Tiemme magnetic filters: A new magnetic filter is designed to completely protect the thermal packages against metallic and non-metallic deposits. The filter mounts on to the input path of the circuit and is installed at the wall hung boiler input.
Ventos: Ventos system is designed primarily to reduce the diameter of sewage riser in high-rise buildings. This product reduces the pneumatic pressure and prevents water column fluctuations in the siphon. This system is an alternative to traditional systems.
tiemme sanitary-ware: Tiemme inwall valve is the perfect solution for building engineers and plumbers. These valves are available in two sizes of 1/2 and 3/4  inches, which can be used with pipes 16, 20 and 25 mm.
Export managers from Tiemme and Pestan companies were also present at Superpex booth.

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